Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Davus an Artan Wizard

Davus awoke from his sleep. At the same moment he raised himself and sat down, his breath was gasped. His whole body was drenched in sweat. Just felt so real dreams. While known how many hundred times he had the same dream, but that time it was different. As if he really the most horrible event repeating it in his life. Instances where both parents so brutally murdered by three wizards from Novus race, right in front of him nearly six years ago. 

Davus without knowing it, has melted and the tears dripping over his dark green blanket, her body shaking with grief, resentment and fear that has been languishing for so long.

"Soon your age thirteen years and you still cry like a kid." 

Davus gasped and quickly wiped his tears with the back of his hand. "Ah, grandpa, I was only twelve years old. Somewhere out there I'm still considered a child," said Davus as he approached his grandfather who was standing in the doorway.

Gray-haired old man who was full of gray hair hit Davus’s head with his stick, "Stupid! You are an Artan race, thirteen-year mean age of maturation and increasing level of magic!" he snapped angrily.

Davus snorted, "Yeah, yeah, I know that. But no need to hit, right?"

The old man shook his head as he turned around, "Grab your wand, we continue your training."

Davus immediately picked up a one half meters long wooden stick which stands in the corner and followed his grandfather out. The old dark blue robes were waiting Davus in a position ready to fight, his hands clutched the handle of his wand as high as his chest. Davus also directly take a position, he stood face to face with the grandfather in a distance of five feet and clutched his cane with his right hand.

Without further ado, grandpa Gordon started attacking. He stream mana to his wand, light blue flowing from the palms of her hands and covers all parts of the cane. Not to be outdone, Davus do the same thing. 

After the glowing blue wand, with nimble grandpa Gordon spun while drawing a circle on the ground with the tip of his cane and then draw a magic seal in the circle. And as before, Davus doing similar things almost simultaneously with his grandfather. Then they tapped their sticks on the seals that have their pictures. From grandpa Gordon’s seal came a big flame, rotate once around him before finally sped rapidly toward Davus. 

Davus seemed calm, from the edge of his seal same the swirling water and raise, formed a thick wall and holding grandpa Gordon’s fire attack. Then with a quick movement but is very flexible, he drew a seal again and tapped his wand once again. Water wall collapsed, but the water that fell in the air and turned into a lot of needle ices, with a knock again Davus send the needle ice to attack his grandfather. 

But before hundreds of needle ices was about grandpa Gordonr, suddenly lands in front of that old man was pulled up very quickly, builds a wall of thick soil that resisted Davus’s needle ices. Tinkling sound loud enough when the nails of ice shattered walls and hit the ground. 

Both stopped the attack. Davus saw his grandpa smiling as he approached him, "Speed and strength of your attack already getting better. I think you ready for the maturation ritual."

 this is my first post in english, tell me if i make mistake, thank you

Jumat, 12 Maret 2010


Senyumannya begitu menawan, mampu memukau dan memesona hati siapa saja yang melihatnya. Kedua mata hitamnya begitu jernih dan memancarkan kesucian jiwanya. Dan wajahnya yang bulat tampak cerah bercahaya bagai bulan purnama yang indah.

Setiap gerak tubuhnya selalu menjadi pusat perhatian. Kalau dia melakukan sesuatu yang mengejutkan, semua orang akan terkagum-kagum melihatnya.

Dia membuat semua orang ingin memberikan perhatian dan kasih sayang padanya. Dan tak ada yang bisa menahan diri untuk tidak menyentuh tubuh indahnya, di bagian manapun.

Saat dia tertawa, setiap orang yang melihatnya akan ikut tersenyum senang, bahkan terkadang bisa membuat orang menitikkan air mata haru. Saat dia menangis, orang-orang yang ada di sekitarnya akan segera menenangkan dan menghiburnya. Meskipun begitu, hanya satu orang yang bisa membuatnya tenang dan tertawa lepas kembali.

Sang Ibu akan menggendongnya dengan penuh kelembutan dan rasa sayang, dan bayi mungil yang tadinya menangis dan meronta-ronta itu akan langsung tenang sambil menatap lurus kedua mata ibunya. Tak ada yang lebih indah dari seorang bayi yang baru lahir dengan kepolosan dan kesucian jiwanya dan membuat orang-orang di sekitarnya merasa bahagia hanya dengan melihatnya saja.

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Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

antara mimpi, cita" dan hayalan

> aku punya mimpi bisa keliling Indonesia dan mengenal seluruh budaya dan daerah di negeri ini secara langsung. . .

> aku bercita" menjadi seorang seniman hebat yang menciptakan karya" luar biasa sepanjang masa. . .

> aku pernah berhayal menjadi seorang ahli sihir yang sangat hebat, bahkan melebihi Merlin. . .

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

Lelaki Buta Berjaket Merah

Entah sejak kapan aku tertarik pada lelaki itu dan memperhatikannya diam-diam. Sudah lebih dari setengah tahun aku berjualan jagung bakar di pinggiran jalan raya Kota Bandar Lampung dan setiap malam lelaki itu berjalan di hadapanku, selalu jam 7 dan jam 12.

Dia selalu berpenampilan rapi dan mengenakan sebuah jaket merah tebal, walaupun seluruh pakaiannya tidak tergolong pakaian mahal.

Dan dengan sebuah tongkat besi yang diketuk-ketukkannya di atas aspal, lelaki itu berjalan dengan santai, seolah dia bisa melihat semuanya dengan sangat jelas, atau mungkin dia sudah hafal jalan yang sudah sangat sering dilewatinya itu. Wajahnya tampak sangat tenang dengan sebuah senyum samar di kedua bibirnya. Tapi aku tak pernah tahu seperti apa bentuk matanya karena keduanya selalu ditutupi oleh sebuah kaca mata hitam.

Aku sering berpikir, ke mana dia pergi tiap malam? Tempat seperti apa yang dia tuju? Apa yang dilakukannya selama lima jam itu? Dan di mana rumahnya? Apakah jauh? Apakah harus menempuh beberapa jam berjalan kaki sebelum akhirnya melewatiku?